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Alisha Uchtman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

My Scentsy story began in February 2012. I had recently began to stay home with my 2 children after leaving a banking career behind. If you've ever been a stay-at-home parent, you know what I mean when I say, "I needed something that was just for me!" It all simply started so I could get out, get interaction with people that didn't live in my house and earn a little extra spending money along the way. But what started as something just for me, has grown into a family business that pays bills, affords us luxuries that a single-family income couldn't provide, as well as once-in-a-lifetime vacations beyond my wildest dreams! One day my little Scentsy "hobby" will afford my husband the opportunity to retire early and work our family business full-time.

I would have never been able to do all these things had I not taken a chance on myself and hit that Join button! Are you ready to see what Scentsy can do in your life?
What exactly do you have to lose?

What's warming in my home